Cat Crusaders, Inc.

Based in Cecil County, Maryland, and serving nearby areas.

About Us

We are a 100% volunteer based, not-for-profit organization. We help prevent neglect to cats and provide them with care. We take in a limited number of cats.

Our cats get their vaccinations, neutered/spayed, and any health issues addressed.


We always have cats available for adoption.

Please email us to make an appointment to see one of our many wonderful felines. Live on a farm or rural property? Get a barn cat. Our cats come already vaccinated and neutered/spayed.

Support Cats in Need

Your financial donation goes directly to the cats in need, not for salaries or rent. Cat Crusaders is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and your donation may be tax deductible.

FOOD & SUPPLIES: We are always grateful for the donation of wet & dry cat food, litter, medical supplies, and other care items.

FUNDRAISING ITEMS & OPPORTUNITIES: We also welcome the donation of fund raising items for resale. We do periodic yard sales or event booths.


Cat in Need?

Please report any abuse or criminal neglect to your area's animal control office. In Cecil County, this would be Animal Services of Cecil County.

If you have a cat you need to re-home, we can add you to our waiting list. It's recommended you inquire about space at Cecil Animal Services and other cat organizations.

For affordable veterinarian services, we would like to suggest Dr. Carletti / All Paws in Perryville.